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The Expanse TV show has red hexagon Mars Logos & a production company at endcredits called "hivemind" -i believe hive can fund Mars trips/colonies & be the best Mars Blockchain governance industrial crypto anarchism- Martian HIVE BLOGS will be POPULAR


ackza1.3 Klast yearHive.Blog6 min read

scifi's/amazons #theexpanse and its Red Mars logos are full of red hexagons, and the production company in end credits is called HIVEMIND, and look at this one specific logo - its like i always said, the red hive logo is perfect for #spacex or any #mars colony governance/funding

i cant find the other image but spent 20 mins trying to look thru end of season 4 first 2 eps of S5 i swear its here, a scene with a woman on mars or earth military with red and black or white? patch so red hexagon patch that has liek a hetter kinda like the H in the hive logo, it was very similar

then i see the hivemind thing - it makes me wanna come back to my ideas about setting up hiveminds for mars colonization, going beyond mars colonization games likenfts games about mars on wax, nah i want somethiung REAL for hive a way to blog ABOUT science and projects and people raising money to go to mars, even if its just run by Sp[acex< i mean yes we COULD raise a billion off a fork of steem or hive, steem was worth $1.8B so yeah i believe we COULD actually extract enough to purchase starship rockets and set up crude autonoous colonies on mars by just landing lets say 10 starships and i hear each starship will be around $2M -

the expanse shows such a nide asethetic for mars colonies, and the SEG searl effect generator mag lev fly wheel may be a real life epstein drive

and imagine after starlink is set up for mars and moon we can have people posting to hive blockchain from space, people commenting to astronauts, space and hive blockchain are actually perfect, we need a more public version of the sci steem STEM hive projects, because science and the hive blockchain REALLY ARE going to end up being powerful, a powerful tool for learning once we have nft games for learning and memoriizing all sorts of knowelge in science from periodic table nfts to organic chemistry and math equation NFTs

see the hexagon is a common space symbol as its structurally common in nature and construction, used to help build things in space, lots of tatoos of hexagons, hexagon patterns, but on MARS the red hexagon is everywhere because its all red

its so perfect for hive to imagine red hexagon honeycomb patterns on a modern glass shopping mall underground like in the Expanse, that modern woode glass rock hexagon feel, the expanse does it well

anyway the red hexagon of hive represents the structure of a crypto anarchist future, where industry and moneya re free, private property is real, the military ONLY helps protect those on Mars living there from ever worrying about ANY of Earther threats, Mars will be AUTONOMOUS and have enough weapon systems on its moons and in orbit to use missiles to take out anyone trying to come in without our permission and to stop weapons from trying to attack, which im sure the Earth would actually do showing how stupid they are, if for example trump tried to move to mars to escape Earth jurisdiction and we had a colony in 50 years or so, yeah if they decided not to pay taxes to earth and were self sufficient lol earth would try to actually destroy our first colony i swear they would, thats how rediculous those in power are and our ideologies on earth a very spoiled child attitude, i mean thats what they would do tho, just like in the expanse, earth would try to destroy a mars colony claiming mars has starships with nukes and is a threat lol

heres some other Mars patches from the expanse to getr what im talking about

anyway when i find that martian THE EXPANSE tv show patch from the mars colony of the future, that looks like a red hexagon hive logo, ill post it

its hard to talk about all this and have it make sense without getting excited and going off on tangents but my point is i think there is some super natural magic power to the red hexagon symbol and the way hive governs itself, as long as hive allows for more forks and a standard way to IBC chain ofr chain them all together so even steem and hive can both be connected to one council of DPOS chains like antelope.io - i just want people on mars to get there and get to use hive, communicate with earth people they like but never risk the earthers cutting off the martians from their resources, AND the social MEDIA part of mars, the fact that maertians social media will be SO popular should FUND every nmartian living on mars, even a small childs life story of living there on mars live streaming and tik tokking their life away on hive's future versionsof tik tok etc, that will earn them so much money in upvotes and they should have no problem using hive and btc to make payments on starship shipments of resupplies to their colonies

the mars colonies must have actors, charismatic leaders and families and workers who live blog their storie4s and get enough support fronm hive users twoitter and youtube social media users that they end up getting UPVOTED enough to not only pay back their ticket to get there but they have earth investors vote on a DAO of what they do when they get there, eventually martian vcolonies earn their indpendence, but can start from #$0 on earth any group of hardy individuals should be abvlke to pool money for a starship and move to mars, and have the blockchain fund it so earthers fund these martian expeditions based on who WE think should b e sent to mars, wether its humanities nbest or our worst as pnunishment, eitehr way we will let investors VVOTE and then expect returns on investment from BENEFICIARY rewards from all the upvotes these users will get once on mars live streaming on vuimm/3speak and Mars tube etc and mars hive hive mars whatever,


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