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EOS SAND giveaway to thiagore.com users (and potential $THIA on eos plans ?+ @thiagorewards please telegram message me @ackza to discuss this! ill pay to have it created!


ackza1.3 K2 years ago4 min read

$SAND ...it was so succesful when it launched years ago ...getting 6000$ usd in volume in one day on newdex.io and its still showing up on coin marketcap and coingecko

now its still on @alcorexchange and im building the telos sand dao on app.telos.net to control issiance of new telos eos and hive sand

here is eos sand listed in alcor where theres a few eos in buy orders you can use to sell your sand althoigh youll get the best price on defibox and hive engine

ill soon find a big investor to buy a large amount of sand and add 100 eos and a lot of sand into the pool at a much higher price after we push yhe price of sand up in the pools by buying eniugh of it



you can swap or sell @sandiegocoin for eos on @alcorexchange

now theres not much liquidity on alcor sand swaps

but theres plenty on defibox

heres the actual market where you can leave buy and sell orders just like newdex but better ...for 10 eos anyone can list any token against any other eos token



1 sand is about 0.0002 EOS but you may get a higher price selling to buy orders on hive-engine.com

sand even has OTC orders on alcor.exchange over the counter offers ...

i see no reason for a 1000 bee tribaldex pool when i already paid to allow users to withdraw sand to eos where we have free pools on alcor AND 5 eos liwuidity on https://defibox.io


1 sand = 0.0003 on defibox

there is over 6 EOS in liquidity and only ~70% is mine...someone believes its worth it to farm fees for swapping eos and sand


thats how you deposit back to hive from eos sand on alcor...ill ask @avral to bring back tje deposit buttons


and to withdraw from hive to eos you just click on withdraw on hive engine and tribaldex

just withdrew 1 eos sand to eos account thiagore.ftw


i want to create the thiagoreward account asap and create $THIA on eos and have the gateway setup by alcor

i could even use one token already working so users buy sand and withdraw sand to eos like a small amount like 1 token and then ensure they have thia and then well automatically credit them with eos thia so we dont need to pay for a gateway...but we will automatucallt begin doing this

@thiagorewards do i have your permission and green light? i will hand keys iver ro you by changing them simply be your keys so i necee have the keys but i can create the account and have it full of thia eos tokens


ill have eos account thiagoreward created , THIA on eos created on that account , mint 10 thia to test for myself after sending 10 thia hive to @thiagorewards with memo EOSTHIA zackzackzack
and then we will change keys to your public key pair for whatever eos acfount you own, if you only have wombat wallets plesae purchase the keys or we can just send you the keys and you can change them to ensure you own it . wombat free wallets dont give you the keys untill you pay to cover eos ram fee etc

sound good? ill det thia eos max supply to same as on hive engine, ill deposit 10 thia of my own ro our gateway using @thiagorewards hive account (dont ever sell tht thia it must be held to back the eos thia )

@avral can make it and just send my account a few eos to cover the ram cost or i can do it for u and jjst give me some thia and ill sell for swap hive and turn hive to eos with changenow

post your eos account below or just post to #sandiegocoin or sandiegocoin SAND community and il upvote and you should earn SAND and you can withdraw youreelf on tribaldex.com or hive-engine.com

Posted using ThiagoRe.com


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