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Reaching out to all projects/games/services on Hive


acidyo1.1 Klast yearPeakD3 min read

in regards to our upcoming generative NFT collection: POSH PETS.

We'd like to reach out to see who is interested in include part of their brand/logo/thing that relates to them as an asset in our NFT collection. This isn't something mandatory of course but as a community here it'd be really cool to generate NFT's that relate to some of our Hiver's favorite projects. I'll give you a few examples of what this could be.

For instance in this example we generated, there's the Hive logo in the background and then there's also a POSH coin on the hat. Now it doesn't have to be either or, it can be something random that fits with these assets that are divided, like if a certain popular item in your game that the community know of and can instantly tell it's from your game, etc.


Now we have to keep in mind that these nft's will be immutable, thus we wouldn't want another steem example where a lot of people regret their choice in usernames after the Hive fork. So best would probably be that the name of the project/game isn't spelled out but the logo's and assets reflect on it, in case of a name change or something happens to the project long term.

For example, @wrestorgonline agreed to partake in this and we're now working on drawing their popular "belts" as an asset in POSH PETS. We haven't done so yet but you can imagine through this picture:


that it will look pretty cool on the dog and/or cat POSH PET and similarly represent the WOO game at the same time. For instance I now want to make sure to mint a POSH PET that has a gold belt so I can use it as my (verified owner of the nft) profile pic, maybe @peakd will at some point let us switch between profile pics depending on which community you post/comment into. (Yes I give free awesome ideas out for free, you're welcome :P)

On an ending note, I think it's something most projects/games would want included as it can serve as free marketing to the project seeing someone with a POSH PET nft representing part of their game, at the same time though it also means that there might be a bigger demand to mint POSH PETS. As stated in the past, the funds raised from our minting will all go towards @poshtoken which is there to mainly help hive discoverability and promotion so no single entity will profit from this personally.

That said, we're looking forward to see which projects & games are interested in participating and what fun ideas & assets the community and players surrounding them would have to include in POSH PETS. So please let us know in the comments if you can think of something that would fit well, even if the project leader/team haven't approved it yet, maybe your idea will convince them. ^^

Please reblog and share this post with your favorite communities/games/projects and ask them to take a look at this offer at least and we can then discuss further if there are any questions surrounding it. Thanks.



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