Diablo 4 - Hardcore Barbarian
I was thinking of getting back to some gaming, especially now that my screen completely gave up and I got a new smaller one, which seems to have fixed the issues I used to have with artifacts, which I kept blaming my GPU for. Maybe it's @bozz often reminding me of D4, but I decided to go ahead and install it and give it a go. Of course, it'd be hardcore mode.
I was surprised before I started recording when I was setting up the graphic settings and things to notice that D4 has raytracing now which seems to have improved the quality by quite a lot, although I haven't really played it in over a year so doubtful if I could tell a big difference from memory, but I'm sure there's videos out there mentioning the differences.
Either way, I decided to play a barbarian, female for the smaller model so it's not as annoying and in the way when playing. Went for a seasonal character as well but can't say I noticed much of what the current season is offering as I started leveling up and doing random dungeons that'd reward my class with some extra perks.
No voiceover in this one as I'm still setting up things here after moving my setup downstairs. Luckily no crazy super wide-screen this time however so everyone will be able to view it in proper full-screen mode!
At the end of the video I decided to switch things up a bit from the usual hard-mode which gives you like 75% increased xp to a higher difficulty, things turned out as expected with that. :D
Forfeiting part of the author rewards.
