2024's been rough
Although I did make a few posts thinking they'd also push me to make some healthier changes it and I didn't really do much last year. Although I'm glad I quit vaping, after having quit a few years prior to now only using snus/snuff without tobacco (just nicotine) mixed with nicotine gum now and then. While that alone has made me feel healthier in general there's still been other things that have kind of countered that improvement it feels like.
Part of that has been my weird sleep, I could go on talking about that as well and have made a few posts about that too. TL;DR: I can't fall asleep easily, mostly just works only when I'm mentally exhausted which has lead to a lot of weeks where every night my sleep moves forward a few hours which technically means every other week or so I've basically slept one night less than normal people. Another issue has been my weight gain from mostly focusing on "computer stuff", i.e. hive and zing and my hobbies surrounding around the same PC, i.e. watching TV shows, movies and some gaming.
So what am I planning to do, even though I'm late on my new years resolution due to some traveling. Welp, first off, I want to include a little bit of physical exhaustion in the day to day, force myself to go out for a walk for 30+ mins, no matter the pace, it's so hot here I'd sweat anyway and ignore how bad of a place the is is for a casual walk isolated from others. If not walking or on top of the walk I'd also wanna spend 15+ mins on this airbike I bought over a year ago and have probably only used like 10 times so far, with only a few of them actually counting. Of course, these cardio plans aren't really meant to lose weight as that wouldn't do much if my diet doesn't change but they should still be good in terms of getting the heart going a bit more often daily and circulation, etc. I do however want to watch what I stuff into my face as well more than I did last year which included a lot of unnecessary calories.
Another thing I want to start keeping better track of, even though I've gotten a bit better at it in late 2024 due to having to organize a lot of things for Zing, is to properly start planning things out so nothing gets forgotten or done in the wrong order or mismanaged. Thus I bought this planner that I've started writing in recently, it also has these few page bands to easily find the next section of different things I'm tracking which I'm planning to split up into things like financial stuff, work-related stuff and physical activity + diet stuff.
I figured a cool thing to go along with that would be to also post about the progression. Naturally as a person who likes to stay anonymous you're not going to see any "before and after" shots 😜 but I might include some pictures of random things I'm doing that day in various macro/abstract ways. The first post will include a shot of the scale which could be a good indicator of how things have been going to include updates on every now and then along with shots of stuff I've been writing in the planner.
A lot of things to still plan out once I get to it though, I have to remember to also start very, very slowly as it's literally been close to a year without me doing much physical stress other than walking. Worst thing I've done in the past is to overtrain in the first day and then barely be able to move my limbs the next couple days then lose interest/use that as an excuse to not carry on.
Anyway, I'm hoping this time things will be different. Markets have been a bit more of a relief lately and not as stressful as they were last year so hopefully that'll give me time to center myself and the more important things for my mental and physical health. Hopefully not just posting again like last year without properly getting going. Wish me luck 😅
