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Using my time wisely


abisag1.8 K2 years agoPeakD4 min read




It is well known that time does not stop, it advances by leaps and bounds when we have a busy life, the twenty-four hours of the day seem to diminish every day, and we come to see time as a villain who wants to dominate us, but is it really time a tyrant who subjugates us without giving us truce? Or is it us who label it as an executioner to justify our mismanagement of it? These are questions that I have had to ask myself throughout my life and that over the years I have found the answers to.
When I was a child I did not worry about time, my priorities were to play and be happy, I have a family that gave me an extraordinary childhood, and at no time I felt pressure for lack of time, during adolescence things were changing a bit, logically I had more responsibilities and duties so sometimes I came to feel pressured by the time. I often looked forward to Friday because I knew that I would rest on Saturday and Sunday, however, there were weekends when I did not get enough rest because of school work or because of some activity I had to do at home. Even so, I did not feel like a victim of the weather.



As the years went by, I reached adulthood and that was when my dilemma began, whether time was a cruel villain or a great ally, I began to work a lot and to have worries that wore me out emotionally, I felt that time did not give up on me, the truth is that I would have liked that there was a company that sold time to be able to buy it and thus carry out all my activities.
There were so many work activities that I had to do that I reached a point where stress got the better of me and generated a chronic anxiety crisis. That breaking point made me reflect on how I was leading my life, and prompted me to reconsider what my goals in life were.

Life being so fleeting, I understood that I had to prioritize the most important activities, and delegate if possible those that I could not carry out, it was when I began to truly care about my physical and spiritual health, and appreciate an infinite amount of precious moments that I could not enjoy while leading a hectic life.



After my diagnosis of chronic anxiety crisis, I began to see the sunsets, the mountains, the sky and the flowers in a different way, I took the time to contemplate and enjoy their beauty. I resolved in my heart to spend quality time with my family and to take moments of the day to think about God and all that He has created. From that moment on I felt peace.

Time is impartial and very generous, we all have seven days with twenty-four hours a week, and three hundred and sixty-five days in the year. It is up to each one of us to make the most of it, since the problem is not that we do not have time, but that we do not know how to manage it. The best thing to do is to regularly examine ourselves to see if the activities we perform on a daily basis are really beneficial and indispensable.

Of course we have to work, take care of a family and carry out some extra activities, however, we should always evaluate if there is any activity that we can do without in order to focus on those that really make us feel alive. Particularly, I do not want to become a robot that does things in a mechanical way, I am a human being and I want to live as such, free and owner of my time. It is not easy to get to this point, it takes work to establish our priorities and let go of what robs us of peace, however, it is worth the effort.







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