
Thinking less about tomorrow helps us to live better in the present


abisag1.8 K2 years agoPeakD4 min read




To say that I am living in the best moment of my life would be to boast something that is not entirely true. While it is true that I am currently living peacefully, with few worries and quite busy in activities that I enjoy, there are always incidents that somehow try to rob me of my peace. Of course, I fight hard for this not to happen but I must admit that there are times when I am more vulnerable and emotionally destabilized, therefore, I can not say that I am in the best moment of my life.

However, I want to emphasize that I am not in the worst moment of my life either. I have simply found a kind of balance that although sometimes I lose it and go to a negative extreme, I do my best to bring my thoughts back to that zone of stability that gives me comfort, satisfaction and security.

Over the years I have learned to have my own criteria, which implies not letting myself be carried away by popular opinion but to draw my own conclusions about life and human happiness, and based on that I have my own philosophy of life. When I was a teenager I paid a lot of attention to what society said, to any fashion imposed by the commercial system, to the latest trend, but as time went by I had a moment of break in an emotional sense and that made me reconsider the true value of life.



After I went through a strong depression, I realized that the happiness of human beings is in the little things, in those moments of affection that you share with your family and friends, in those moments when you feel an enormous peace when you are in contact with nature and even if you have little or much in a material sense, you still feel at peace.

I believe that one of the main things to do to stop being slaves of society and its paradigms, is to remember that it takes little to be happy. When we no longer let ourselves be convinced by that propaganda that we will be happy if we have the best TV, the best car, the best computer; we take a weight off our shoulders because we simply do not give importance to these situations and it is not a matter of being conformists, I do not want you to misunderstand me, it is to have our feet on the ground, be objective and remember that we are in a society where we do not all have the same opportunities, but still we can create our own opportunities and adapt with joy to the lifestyle that we can lead according to our possibilities.



If I have to tell you about something I need to improve on, I would write several posts and there you would read a myriad of things I need to work on. Mainly I must strive to minimize my thoughts, I don't want to overthink a situation in which I have little or no control. I must learn to think in the here and now, as tomorrow exhausts me too much, so all in all, I would love to reduce my disturbing thoughts regarding my parents' future.
Since I was a child I always wanted to repay my mom and dad for all the good things they have done for me and knowing that I still haven't achieved it to the degree I want disturbs me, but I know that this kind of anguish destabilizes me and I must use minimalism of thoughts, think less and focus more on the goals I have for the welfare of my parents. With God's favor I will be able to control my thoughts and focus on enjoying the present to the fullest with my loved ones.

Friends, life is a path a little rough but when we pay attention to the important things we begin to see that on that path there are beautiful flowers, beautiful animals and above all we come across the smile of our family, a valuable treasure that is priceless.






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