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Color therapy


abisag179.10last monthPeakD4 min read


Lately I have been feeling bad about a series of bad news I have received. Among one of these is the fact that a good friend of mine has lung cancer, he is only thirty years old, very young and has never smoked. After hearing this sad news I was paralyzed because I have lost several loved ones to this horrible disease and it is inevitable that negative thoughts come to my mind. My friend has already had his first chemotherapy and now I am trying to manage my emotions. It has not only been that, but a compendium of negative situations that have caused me to neglect my routine.



When I am very overwhelmed, I immediately feel tingling in my legs and I get a strong pain in my hip. I don't know if it is that my negative emotions are reflected in my hip, but the truth is that every time I am going through a moment of stress, these pains become more acute. I went to therapy
fifteen days ago and I started with a very good physiotherapist, I have had two therapies because the cost is not so accessible but I am doing everything I can to pay for one a week.

The point is that in the midst of so much stress that paralyzes me, I have accumulated a lot of important things to do and I feel exhausted to start again with my rhythm of life. I don't know if it has happened to you that after stopping a couple of weeks or a little bit more of your routine, it's hard to get back into the rhythm. Many people have told me that this is normal, of course, it is easier to resume it when one has been absent for vacations and other reasons that have nothing to do with health because when it comes to health, getting back to the routine is even more difficult. I am in that period of my life, so I am doing everything in my power to acquire the necessary energy and continue with my daily activities. It has not been easy but with courage and determination it can be done.

One of the things I have been doing is painting and cutting out. I get along very well with children, the truth is that I have a better time with them than with many adults because they are transparent, without filters, they are definitely authentic and I love that, so every time I can propitiate the moment to share a little while with some children who call me aunt by affection I do not miss the opportunity. I play with them, we paint, we color and believe me that is a great therapy for me.


Even though I wanted to sleep, I got up the courage and started painting with the little girl. We played ice cream parlor, so we drew several ice creams and two dolls, painted them and cut them out. That's how we set up our game, simply with sheets of paper, markers and scissors. As we had few markers, we drew pictures of wafers with various colors and said in the game that we had ice cream of various flavors. The girl's mother was happy to see her child playing with me in something that benefited her a lot because as she is only four years old she still has to continue practicing fine motor skills. In this way we all benefited, I was very relaxed after painting and playing with the child.



Friends, life is full of problems and there will be more difficult moments than others, but with whatever we have at hand (even if it is only leaves and colors), we can manage to do something small to give us a little bit of energy. Step by step we will regain the strength we need to move forward.



The photos are my own taken with a Realme 7i.


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