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Cant blog, gone paddling


abh1234513.3 Klast yearPeakD3 min read

I can't really use paddle boarding as an excuse for not writing anything on Hive for a while, but it has certainly been keeping me occupied this summer!

Me, honest!

This is my current favourite paddle photo of myself. Not only is my face hidden, the photographer (hi @annasworddancer !) has captured my excellent (and very rare) paddle posture and stroke. I have got a lot better since I started 15 months or so ago, and have another board :)

Putting air inside plastic better than anyone else

The board is 12ft 6in (3.81 meters) and 31 inches across, making it easily my longest and thinnest board. The main advantage is that it tracks and glides really well on calm water - I'm probably twice as quick on this board than on the others, and can make my way doing very little at times.

Huge bifta edited out? ;)

My mates are usually game for a paddle and a beer on a secluded piece of Mallorquian coastland. We've got hooks to 'raft up' but do prefer dry land for a refreshment break - dry seaweed actually being my favourite for comfort!

My board on the right is 2.5 feet longer than the iRocker in the middle! #perspiration #perspective

What I'd really like to be doing in a couple of years is renting boards and giving paddle board lessons. I didn't get as far as the plan for the winter months, maybe don't fall off? I'm not sure the business could keep me and a few others going each year, so i'll just keep with the positive thinking and see what happens.



Paddling is awesome exercise, but the summer is coming to a close here and I've already bought an Amazon essentials balance board so I can continue being unstable whilst sober on dry land. I've also repaired the puncture on my bike, which has seen no action at all during the hottest months - I'm sure I'll be riding that around more now the weather has cooled.

Throw in the odd ab and plank routine/vids and that should hopefully keep the pies away. Vegetarian pies that is - I've found a couple of decent meat (lean proteins) substitutes, and with fish, and a morning shake, seem to be doing fine without animal flesh, for now.


Well my daughter turns 18 next march, so that's a good start!

Mum could do with new hips and might be best off moving back to the UK. My brothers turn to be tech support 🙏

Not much else to report 😜 I've gone back into my shell 🐌 a bit this year to become more self aware and decide what I really want live stress-free, paddle, and get drunk whenever. It's going well, thus far.


A couple of weeks ago....


Puts me close to the most HP I've ever held, and I reckon there will be more staked by the time the next bull market (in 2025, obvs.) arrives.


Still holding my assets here even though the bear has not been kind. I've actually been picking up a few older cards - time will tell if this is a good idea or not.

There are more, and looking back at recent history I seem to have spent a fair bit of late!

Right then, until next time....





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