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Top 3 coins that i bought for 2022


aakash.sachdeva90.993 years agoPeakD3 min read

Top 3 coins that i bought for 2022

As we all know crypto market is showing downward trend from past 12 days and many of you might be in a big loss due to the same. Just remember 1 thing that when the market is on panic you are the person who should become greedy and when the market is greedy you should be scared. I will be talking about 5 coins that i bought for 2022.This is the best opportunity for you to take an entry in the market
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1. Bitcoin https://media.tenor.com/images/5156c4354ce99ad3dcac4ac5018ba715/tenor.gif

As of the dump in may 2020 the value of rsi went to 24 whenever the value of rsi goes below 30 that means we are in over sold territory and whenever it happens either the coin moves in a sideways direction and if you buy at this moment you will never go in loss if you can hold for a while you will earn a good profit out of it. I feel like this is the best time to get into the market and earn a handsome profit.

current price - 57.1k $

2. Solana https://media.tenor.com/images/b8e4bf8263d213bac9341e28149d1dcc/tenor.gif

As of solana it can hold a transaction of more then 10 thousand per second
 whereas Eth can only hold 13 transaction per second and as you all know during the last bullrun solana had shown a great hike and during the mini alt season in september we again experienced a very good pump and right now solana is showing sideways consolidation and during the next bullrun you can understand how much benifit solana can give. This is the best price for solana right now and if you take an entry right now it can show a huge pump in the future.

As you know of the fact Ethereum is the next bitcoin and can show a very big pump in the coming future during the last dump we have seen a pump of over 3000% and if we expect only 1000% hike now you can get out with a good profitable amount. As of some analytical study on the same the price of Eth can reach upto 50k and that is not shocking for me because if you will see the chart of eth and study the price during the time you will also understand it .

Thank you for reading must follow me if you like my content.😀



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