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May Took Me Back To Covid Chaos Trauma Times


aagabriel1.8 K10 months agoPeakD14 min read


Let me share some events and observations from earlier this month, and then let me muse upon why I felt them the way I did.

Then, let you consider this: it's four years in. People are perishing around us. The social effects of lost lives are noticeable in public now. Complete strangers give off a melancholy aura when you look at them. You're sensing a shred of human soul remaining inside and it's silently screaming at the horror of it all.

Vocal chords restrained by an invisible double-bind. I know what that feels like, having no mouth when you need to loudly scream. I screamed my lungs inside out at the time, starting February 2020... Nevertheless, we've been wailing on and on for a few years now.

I published the below post on March 28th, 2023. It's evidence of how shrill and psyche-shattering our screams were back then.

> Now onto doublethink... I love the way Jasun explained it, in a very Hermetic way;

"The point of double think is to prevent people from being able to think,
Because every time they have a thought, the opposite thought rises up and cancels it out.
So they just can't carry on thinking about it."

We are surrounded by the injected who through folly and/or ignorance committed actions which doublethink prevents them from thinking about. Doublethink thoughts arise to cancel out ideas or entering any internal states of cognitive dissonance.

Doublethink pushed the injected away from confronting internal thoughts or thoughts from which to express doubt over. Such as;

  • what they did to themselves medically,
  • why they undid themselves morally and ethically,
  • and who they intended to become by doing so?

Therefore the injected cannot enter a state of consciousness or commence being self-reflective due to being stuck in a nightmarish state of purgatory and limbo.
Engaging in ping-pong against a perfectly matched dark-self clone, marooned on an oubliette and surrounded by a bottomless, abyssal chasm..
Forever prevented from breaking back into human consciousness...?
A lot of them are facing physical hardships which I haven't and wont be.
But far too many have already succumbed to iatrogenic adverse events and even death.

But my poor fellow men and women needing to scream right now. You are free to use me as a conduit, but I do wish that you sought us out after hearing our screams, our silent terror when... well.. when?

Use me whatever way you can. It's probably too late but I'm gonna be there anyway, trying to ameliorate your period of imminently arriving earth-rending sorrows...

As the reality of adapting falsehoods for your state of purgatory and limbo to persist is rent asunder. Illusions are unveiled, suddenly exposing your bare naked Nightmare Existence of four years past.

As the entirety of psychological priming informed by behavioural insights fails and falls off you. Causing unreality, doublethink, trauma-bonded and a plandemic-embattled psyche to slough off your frame like a shedded skin.

I'm guessing this will be waiting for your once you shed your skin. It's a sneak peek of what I'm alluding to in my November 22, 2022, post quoted below. The described manic work frenzy is what I meant in the title "May Took Me Back To Covid Chaos Trauma Times."

> Traumas that are survived through together instigate a binding, or bonding with the others whom you've identified as a fellow trauma survivor. Therefore I formed a familial-type relationship with my ex-employers during the times we struggled to survive through the plandemic.

In a way this fake familial bond was a saving grace for my frenetic, manic and plandemic-embattled psyche. I worked harder than ever before, discovering a different side to me which I learned to relish. It was a more on-the-fly side of me where I was capable of working superhuman hours each day, taking on preposterous amounts of catastrophic weather event claims as if I was born to do so.

Trauma Time Travelling

Instantaneous Time-Travelling effects: back to a moment when stressful events compounded. Piling up one on top of the other, like described in my posts above. For me, it was the peak period of Covid Psychological Trauma Warfare

A time when tyrannical government overreach was not just a paranoiac fever dream haunting the sleep of sovereign citizens. A time when drumming up fears of global enslavement of the entire population wasn't as real a threat as #misinformation or conspiracy theories.

A time leading to a reality far worse than the myriad of fantastically dystopian portrayals of our doomed future that conspiracy theorists clung to...

A time that.. what time was that? That time is past and gone for me.

When you say "it's gonna happen now"
When exactly do you mean?
See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone

But for you! You should start asking How Soon is Now?

Public health's Plandemic went "live," the MindWar went "hot" and the next assault on us would be launched by the Medical Mafia. For you it comprised of experimental mRNA gene technologies injected with your crucial consent and for me it comprised of LawFare. Mandates. Excruciating Mental Manipulation and Misery.

Covid Chaos Trauma Times

I lost my job, I lost pretty much all my money. I lost the will to ever return back into a society where money was of value, or medicine was mandated.

Inside me, my self-preservation imperative turned itself on. An unconscious override locking parts of consciousness into places I can't describe. What happened next happened at the same time. I can't explain it well either, but dormant reserves unlocked inside of me, releasing surges of hyper-functionality which I never knew was there.

Here, at this point my recollections become chronologically jumbled. It would have been around March 2021 when I was about to be evicted. March 2021 is when the Covid Moratorium on rental tenancy agreements ended in my city. So 60 days before the end of March 2021, I received a Notice to Evict property - No Reason Required. Almost everyone who was renting was in the exact same position as me. It was fucked.

The frenzy of seeking rental properties once the Moratorium ended was too much and I simply refused to move out by the end of March 2021. As it became more and more clear how impossible the situation was for renting, I took satisfaction from disobeying "the law." It really did feel like the statewide moratorium ended in a way to subject every single renter on a periodical tenancy agreement to the worst possible market conditions to find another rental in.

Fuck that. It was too much yet I managed to make it work for me anyway. I attended Magistrate's court to face my Notice of Eviction in front the court and explain why I couldn't move out on the same date that everyone else was. The Magistrate was somewhat sympathetic to my flight and suggested coming to an agreement with the Real Estate agency in front of her, as mediator. We agreed to mediate and settled on having another month to move.

Come April 2024 and my current rental situation mirrored the situation in March 2021. Western Australia rental laws were updated "meaning the rights of Western Australian renters are stronger than ever before."

WA Rent Reforms 2024 from Consumer Protection WA on Vimeo.

Introduction of the Rent Reforms in May 2024 meant that renters under a tenancy agreement would likely undergo the same situation of Property Managers and Landlords rushing to make amendments to current tenancy agreements before the new reforms took effect. In my case, the property agent sent me a weekly rental increase notice which would take effect in June. It was quite large increase (15%) yet I was willing to accept it without complaining because the rental prices here have hit sky high. Even with this increase, I still had a great location and could wear an increase due to positive personal circumstances going my way (getting a recent payrise at my job).

Ironically, I started calculating what my net income (after income tax deductions) would be once the payrise took effect. I distinctly recall feeling truly positive and happy realizing that I finally had a turn in fortune, and that I was paying below market rent. 3 or 4 days later, I received the weekly rental increase notice.

Taking this in stride, I then received another notice from the Property Agent three or four days later after the weekly rental increase notice. This was a one page notice with no covering letter and it harshly stated in ALL CAPS, LARGE SIZED BOLD FONT - NOTICE OF TERMINATION. I Trauma Time Traveled back to Covid Chaos times, totally unaware of when, how or why this could be happening to me now.

Higher functioning kicked in - self-preservation frenetic energy flowed through me and I hyperfocused on work. I worked a lot and kept my mind off traveling too deep into traumatic emotional states. The Termination Notice was pinned to my refrigerator so I could forget about it, at least temporarily.

Lack of sleep, time dissolution. Workload and crazy hectic pace of daily work tasks also transported me back to 2020-2021 working in a mid-tier insurance brokerage. Where was I again? How did I find myself back in this same Covid Chaos Trauma Time? Had I really not progressed or grown any considerable amount since that time, so leaving me now as hapless and at the mercy of heightened periods of emotional disturbances as I was in 2020-2021?

I went to the local Bottle Shop, determined to smile and brainwash myself towards happy thoughts. It worked to an extent because the very hectic end of month period ended with several great achievements at work. After all my efforts and extra hours at work, I deserved a few brews to unwind. I wanted to kick back, listen to some music, cook a few healthy dinners and then get stuck into the pile of books I've been chipping away at for many months.

I walked into the Bottle Shop and the owner was there, alone at the counter. I've known him since I've lived in my current rental (Since April 2021) and we've gotten friendly over the years. During that time we had a few quarrels over vaccine passport and face mask public health directions (mandates) but he grew to respect me and my vocal stance. I remember the first time I went in there without a face mask on and he was so panicked that he completely forget I didn't sign in to the contact register or scan a QR code. I took this opportunity to educate the poor old Kiwi dude who used to be cheerful and chatty.

Offered to show him my medical certificate exempting me from wearing a face mask. He flustered and stammered that he wasn't allowed to ask for me to produce evidence of it. I told him that I'm happy to show him and followed this up by asking whether he had seen a face mask exemption before? He hadn't, so I showed him and it turned out that the doctor who provided my exemption was his very same trusted doctor! What a coincidence!

So the Kiwi Bottle Shop Owner knew me pretty well by now. I went inside once the automatic doors opened, saying hi to Bottle Shop Owner and as usual, moved down towards the Beer Aisle. He asked in a somewhat strained voice "How are you going today?"
"Yeah, I'm great! Thirsty though!"
"That is good to hear that you are going great."

Hm? That was odd, quite robotic and unlike him to say. I selected a six pack of beers (Colonial Pale Ale, as usual) and trundled my way up to the front counter, commenting on how much I was looking forward to these beers. Must have looked quite haggard and frazzled to him because he asked me if I had a hard day at the office.

Yeah, insurance end of month etc etc. was my reply. Told him I'm working as an insurance broker, and as if to prove the point asked him if he needed any insurance for his bottle shop.
"Nah, that's handled by head office."
"Aw yes, under a tailored scheme for franchisors I bet. Usually really competitive rates with better coverage than I could get on the open market for you."
His demeanor deadened again, unable to respond casually anymore.
"I've had to deal with insurance recently. Do you do life insurance?"
"What like; TPD (Total and Permanent Disability), Income Protection, Life Insurance, or rather Death Insurance?"
"Yes, I've had to go through the process of claiming on my wife's Life Insurance policy because she died a couple of months ago, and she had no will."
My tired self would've reflected a shocked demeanor at this revelation.
"Oh I'm sorry Bottle Shop Owner, that's terrible. My sincere condolences."

Then he started spilling out how his wife died in bed next to him while he was sleeping. It was a very heart-wrenching tale and the way it spilled out so openly indicated he hadn't spoken much about it yet. I felt privileged with his show of trust and sharing so much to me. I listened attentively and made sure to ask him whether he had a support network.

Because I responded with genuine concern, we talked a fair while. I gave him advice on the legal process in Western Australia for appointing ones' self as an Administrator of a deceased estate when no Will, Last Testament or Probate exists. He shared that their family is mainly back in New Zealand and he is in contact with them. I kept him talking because when that cup of bottled up trauma and sorrow runneth over, you let it flow. It's for our own good to keep it flowing freely. I told him that he was brave for sharing his tragic loss with me and that I'm glad to be able to help.

We idled away from sudden death chatter and talked about beer and gambling for a bit. Another customer entered and I bid adieu, promising to return for another drink soon.

I went to a Portugeuse Chicken shop the next day to order some takeaway. There was a big notice pinned to their cash register on the front counter, explaining that family members had recently (suddenly) died and most of the staff had to fly back home for their funerals. "So due to our temporary low staffing levels, your patience is greatly appreciated."


I'm trusting my instincts as I navigate through what's probably waiting around the corner.

We've gone through so much extreme mental warfare and emotional abuse over the last couple of years that I believe in my ability to withstand what's around that corner.

Perhaps this makes me - and everyone else who's gone through similar - uniquely positioned to be of most help. Perhaps we can be of most help to so many others who certainly aren't prepared for what's probably waiting for them around the corner, or whatever else is yet to come.



Do You Feel Unsafe If the Enemy Threatening You Is Scared?

Reversal of the Nudge

The Australian government's weaponization of Behavioural Economics/Insights needs deconstruction.

The Behavioural Economics Team of the Australian Government, or BETA, will be reverse-engineered for the good of the population. Their monopoly on the mastery of behavioral economics and insights are thusly thwarted.

Governments establishing their 'continuum' for perpetual domination - interdicted.

Analyze BETA's tools deployed against the plandemic-battered population, and reverse-engineer their fit-for-purpose built functions. Repurpose them, as required.

Use BETA's tools for our liberation: a citizen-led committee of rebels repatriate Discover, Diagnose, Design and Deliver... Ask not what behavioural interventions can do for them, but what they can do for their own well being.

Empower the citizenry. Ask them (us): "Do you feel unsafe if the enemy threatening you is scared?

And whether implementing blunt-force interventions is good enough as a Reversal of the Nudge?



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